A brief history of ISEBI
During the XI ICEBI in Oslo (2001), it was decided to create an Executive Committee from the ICPRBI with the task to take forward the establishment of a bioimpedance society.
The establishment of the Society was decided and the current version of the Statutes were approved during the ICPRBI meeting in Gdansk, Poland (2004). It was also decided not to charge any fees initially.
The first (constitutional) General Assembly of ISEBI took place during the XIII ICEBI in Graz, Austria, in August 2007.
The second General Assembly took place during the XIV ICEBI in Gainesville, FL in April 2010. A new Executive Committee was elected: President: Ørjan G. Martinsen, Vice-president: Andrea Robitzki, Secretary-Treasurer: Uwe Pliquett.
The third GA was held in Heilbad-Heiligenstadt in 2013 during the XV ICEBI, where the whole executive committee was re-elected for another period.
The fourth GA was held in Stockholm in 2016 during the XVI ICEBI and Stig Ollmar was elected ISEBI president, Eung Je Woo was elected vice-president, and the elected secretary was Pedro Bertemes Filho.
The fifth GA was held in Joinville, Brazil in 2019 during the XVII ICEBI and Eung Je Woo was elected ISEBI president, Pere Riu continued as vice president, and Pedro Bertemes Filho as secretary.
The sixth GA was in Seoul, South Korea (online because of the pandemic) in 2022 during the XVIII ICEBI. Ørjan G. Martinsen, Pere Riu and Jie Hou were elected as president vice president and secretary, respectively.

Executive Commitee (2022-2025)

Ørjan Grøttem Martinsen

Pere Riu
Vice president

Jie Hou
History of ISEBI
This brief history of the ICPRBI and the International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance was compiled with the main contributions of Dr. Dennis Smith and Dr. Jacques Jossinet
The first ICEBI was held in the USA Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 1969. The Proceedings consist of a volume of the Annals of the New-York Academy of Sciences in July 1970. No Committee is mentioned in this book. This book can be bought from the Publication Department of the New-York Academy of Sciences (address on the book, may be obsolete): The New-York Academy of Sciences 2 East Sixty-Third Street, New-York, NY 10021. The ICEBI Proceedings form the volume 170, Article 2, pages 407-836. The Editor is Simon E. Markowich who was the Conference Chairman.
The second ICEBI was organized in Lyon in 1976 by C. Fourcade (dead in 1981). The Proceedings, of 363 pages, are entitled "Advances in Bioelectrical Impedance Measurements". There is no official source to get these Proceedings from, except the issues in the libraries of the participants. There is no mention of any International Committee
The Proceedings of 5th ICEBI in Tokyo mentions only an Organizing Committee and a Program Committee with members from various countries. The constitution of an International Committee for the Promotion of Research in Bio-Impedance was proposed during the Tokyo Conference
The International Committee was definitively confirmed when published in the Proceedings of the Zadar Conference, which were printed before the Conference
The conference was held in Klagenfurt (Austria), chaired by prof. Gunter Lanner
Tapani Lahtinen was the chairman of the conference (VIII ICEBI). The mission statement and committee rules are approved during the committee meeting. By following the just'approved rules Prof. Eberhard Gersing is elected new chairman of the committee and Tapani Lahtinen vice-chairman. There are published proceedings.
The IX ICEBI was held in Heidelberg, in conjunction with the last meeting of the 2nd. European Concerted Action in Impedance Tomography (CAIT). There are published proceedings and a selection of the communications of the CAIT were published in a special issue of Physiological Measurement, in 1996.
Pere J. Riu was the Chairman of the the X ICEBI, held in Barcelona in April 1998. There are published proceedings and a selection of the papers were published in a volume of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, in 1999
The XI ICEBI was held in Oslo. The Chairman of the Conference was Prof. Sverre Grimnes. There are published proceedings. The First H.P. Schwan Award was presented to Prof. Ronald Pethig. The Committee decided to look forward the constitution of a formal Society and an Executive Committee was elected to pursue this task.
The XII ICEBI and EIT Workshop joint meeting was held in Gdansk, organized by Prof. Antoni Nowakowski. The second H.P. Schwan Award was presented to Prof. Brian Brown.
The XIII ICEBI and VIII EIT conference was held in Graz, Austria, organized by Prof. Hermann Scharfetter. The third H.P. Schwan Award was presented to prof. Eberhart Gersing.
The XIV ICEBI and XI EIT conference was held in Gainesvill, Florida, organized by Prof. Rosalind Sadleir. The fourth H.P. Schwan Award was presented to Prof. Sverre Grimnes.
The XV ICEBI and XIV EIT conference was held in Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany, organized by Prof. Uwe Pliquett. The fifth H.P. Schwan award was presented to Prof. David Holder.
The XVI ICEBI and XVII EIT was held in Stockholm, hosted ny Stig Ollmar. The sixth H.P. Schwan award was presented to Prof. Jan H. Meijer.
The XVII ICEBI was held in Joinville, Brazil, hosted by Pedro Bertemes Filho. The seventh H.P. Schwan award was presented to Prof. Seward Rutkove.
The XVIII ICEBI and XXII EIT were held in Seoul, South Korea, hosted by Prof. Eung Je Woo. The eighth H.P. Schwan award was presented to Prof. Camelia Gabriel.